
Vignette – magic sticker

It is no mystery that driving on Slovenian highways, including the ring around Ljubljana, demands a vignette. A Vign…what?! Vignette, French for “little vine,” is a road tax in the form of a sticker, as proof of payment, that you put on your windscreen. This system came into effect 1 July 2008.

All vehicles up to 3.5 tons – like motorcycles, cars and vans – need a vignette (or “Vinjeta” in Slovenian) to be driven on the highways. For cars, one can be purchased for 1 year (110 EUR), 1 month (30 EUR) or 1 week (15 EUR). Prices in the brackets are for 2014. The annual one is valid from 1 Dec of the previous year to 31  Jan of the coming year, e.g. a 2014 vignette is valid from 1 Dec 2013 until 31 Jan 2015, which is all together 14 months. Only motorcycles have the additional option of a half-year vignette.

You can buy the sticker at all petrol stations in Slovenia and neighboring countries, post offices in Slovenia and from many automobile clubs around Europe. So don’t say you haven’t been warned, and keep in mind that fines for not having one pretty harsh: between 300 EUR and 800 EUR!

More info here.

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