
Threesome in Ljubljana

Probably the tittle sounds a bit kinky, but the thing is, threesomes are getting more popular every year in Ljubljana. Each May, on the weekend closest to 9 May, we hold organized runs for teams of 3 people that need to finish the run together. There is a shorter trail of 12 km and a longer one of 28 km.

But the big event here is the traditional recreational ‘March along the Path‘ around Ljubljana to mark the liberation of Ljubljana on 9 May 1945, and has been going on since 1946.

The gravel-paved footpath around the city – Pot spominov in tovarištva – is The Path of Remembrance and Comradeship. Sometimes it’s also called the Green Ring, but signs on the path refer to it as POT (which means a path).

Where the barbed wire fence surrounded Ljubljana during World War II, there is now more than a 30 km long path that crosses today’s urban area and outskirts of the city. What was built to prevent contact between the city and its hinterland is now connecting Ljubljana and its surroundings.

This Saturday, 11 May the threesome runs begin (9AM) and finish at Congress Square in the centre, while the Recreational March starts anywhere you please along the Ring. Those who walk the entire circle, approx. 35 km and collect stamps at all 8 checkpoints receive a memorial badge and a medal.

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